The Ledger – Winter 2020
Alaska Airlines Summer Internship
MECOP – Acct
Summer Leadership Opportunities
Keep up with the Ledger by visiting http://www.osubap.com/ledger/
to view upcoming and prior newsletters.
Professional Development
Winter 2020
Visit our website at http://www.osubap.com/ to see upcoming events & meetings hosted by Beta Alpha Psi.
1. ALL INTERESTED IN ACCOUNTING — NEW THIS WINTER — Acct/BIS/Finance “Early Career Launch (ECL)” event. This is a winter recruiting event similar to MTF’s in the fall. Accounting firms will be in attendance to share details about the summer leadership events, internships and some full time. Please read the attached flyer.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5TH from 6PM, AH 183 and then the marketplace
Application deadlines for most firms is Feb. 25th via the firms resources and Handshake
2. FREE TAX PREPARATION—come get your taxes prepared/filed for free! Starting Feb 1 until Mar 7 every Saturday, Austin Hall 126 from 1-5pm.
1. Grant Thornton – email hunter.denson@us.gt.com
GT Information Session Lunch with Professionals: Wednesday, February 19th, 11:30am – 1:30pm (Please RSVP on Handshake).
2. Jones & Roth office tours. Email Tricia Duncan triciad@jrcpa.com or 541-687-2320
3. KPMG will be hosting office hours on Monday, February 17th. This is a great final opportunity for students to connect with the firm ahead of the early 2021 internship recruiting (summer leadership program) application deadline of February 25th. Students with final grad dates between Dec. 2021 and June 2022 are eligible to apply.
All current and prospective accounting and BIS majors are welcome.
KPMG Drop-in Office Hours
Monday, February 17th | 10 AM – 3 PM | Career Success Center
Whether you have specific questions about summer leadership programs, a career in public accounting, or are just looking to network, stop by and say hello!
For additional information please contact:
Hunor Somogyi
4. Moss Adams has many many opportunities for Internships, Scholarships and Summer Leadership
Early Internship Recruiting
Eligible students may apply now for an (early) 2021 Winter or Summer Internship. Current students attending schools where Moss Adams actively recruits must apply through both your campus career center, and our careers website. Application Deadline: 11:55 PM, Tuesday, February 25th
Intern – 2021 (#19470)
Handshake ID: 3379161
Guide, Pilot, Steer (GPS) Operational Internship
This opportunity lays the groundwork for a career in public accounting by rotating interns through a variety of training events and projects that offer operational insight. Interns will receive personalized career coaching and encounter great opportunities for networking. See the attached flyer for more information
2020 GPS Application (#19431)
Ignite Diversity Scholarship
We support the great potential of dedicated students with exceptional qualifications and diverse backgrounds. If you’re interested in pursuing a degree and career in accounting, we invite you to apply for this scholarship: 2020 Ignite Diversity Scholarship (#19490)
Networking, Leadership & Scholarship Opportunities
1. OSU Acct Scholarships from the Academic Advisors: When you apply for the OSU COB Accounting scholarships you MUST include: Accounting Scholarships in Scholar Dollars will require an upload of recent transcript & resume or you will NOT be in the candidate pool.
2. KPMG “Embark Scholars early-internship program and Rise Leadership Institute conference in the Ledger next week through February 25th? Check Handshake for more details
Embark Scholars requires applicants to self-identify as a traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic minority group within professional services, while the Rise Leadership Institute program expands is definition of diversity to also include veterans, persons with disability, LGBTQ, and/or first-generation college students.
Embark Scholars is a full summer internship, while Rise is a four-day conference held in Hollywood CA. Both programs require students to have a planned final grad date between Dec. 2021 and Aug 2023.
email Somogyi, Hunor <hsomogyi@KPMG.com> if you have any questions
3. MECOP needs an additional 3 accounting students for summer/fall 2020.
Subject: Accounting MECOP Internships for Summer/Fall 2020 –
Dear Accounting Students,
We were just notified that MECOP needs 3 additional accounting interns that were not brought into the MECOP program through the spring 2019 process. The positions are available for Summer/Fall 2020. (each paid internship is six months long):
Both juniors and senior students (senior = graduating in June 2020) may apply. The application materials are available at https://www.mecopinc.org/students/apply/forms
Interviews for program selection will take place on Feb 12th at the MECOP office in Corvallis.
For general information on MECOP internships, refer to.
If you have questions, feel free to email Dan Schwab in Academic Advising (541) 737-3716 or Professor Rene Reitsma.
Full Time & Internship Opportunities
Please remember many of the regional firms offer winter internships. Check Handshake and talk to the firms at MTF’s.
1. GT Summer Leadership and Internship Information Session Lunch with Professionals:
Wednesday, February 19th, 11:30am – 1:30pm (Please RSVP on Handshake).
In order to be considered for a position you must:
1. Apply through Handshake (including resume and transcript)
2. Apply through the Grant Thornton Job portal (including resume and transcript)
If you are interested in applying, learning more about our firm, or going over any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact
Hunter Denson at hunter.denson@us.gt.com.
GT 2020 Open Positions (Can be found on Handshake)
Portland Office:
GT Impact Summer Leadership Program – Audit Focus
GT Impact Summer Leadership Program – Tax Focus
Fall 2020 Audit Associate
Fall 2020 Tax Associate
2. MECOP needs an additional 3 accounting students for summer/fall 2020.
Subject: Accounting MECOP Internships for Summer/Fall 2020 – Application Deadline is Sunday, Feb 2, 2020.
Dear Accounting Students,
We were just notified that MECOP needs 3 additional accounting interns that were not brought into the MECOP program through the spring 2019 process. The positions are available for Summer/Fall 2020. (each paid internship is six months long):
Both juniors and senior students (senior = graduating in June 2020) may apply. The application materials are available at https://www.mecopinc.org/students/apply/forms
The application deadline is Feb 2, 2020.
Interviews for program selection will take place on Feb 12th at the MECOP office in Corvallis.
On Tuesday of week 6 (2/11/2020), professor René Reitsma will be holding an information session regarding MECOP. MECOP helps connect students with vetted companies for two well-paid, six-month internships. This session will cover how the program works and how students should prepare themselves to secure internships from several companies within the MECOP program. Some students with MECOP experiences are expected to be at this event to answer questions. This session is open to all College of Business students.
3. Alaska Airlines: Financial Accounting and Reporting group. The position is targeted at students in their junior year and are graduating between December ’20 and June ’21. It’s a 12 week/3 month program that starts shortly after the student is done with the spring term. Applications are due by 02/17/2020 at 11:59pm.
Contact jordan.bianco@alaskaair.com for questions — he is an OSU alumni.
4. Autodesk has job opportunities. They will be on campus, Wed. Feb. 5th from 11-2pm in Kelly Engineering Center
We are seeking highly motivated IMPACT players to join our world of manufacturing. Do you thrive in a fast-paced, challenging environment where you are rewarded for results? Do you want to be a member of a team that is driven to win? If so, Precision Castparts Corp. may be just the place for you.
Students with a passion for leadership and who are seeking a great career in a fast-paced, growing organization are encouraged to apply online at the following link:
6. Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory is looking to fill a few Full-Time & Summer 2020 Intern positions. GO TO HANDSHAKE
Interest/experience in data privacy, security controls, managing software vulnerabilities, establishing cyber crisis management capabilities, cyber response & support Majoring in a discipline specifically in or similar to: applied computing, computer science, computer engineering, business administration, information systems, information security, information technology, STEM, risk management
7 Health Sciences Business Center has an open position for a student employee https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/85888
8. The OSU Foundation is interested in hiring our accounting/finance students. If interested in a part time student job at the Foundation emailPatti.Nowak@osufoundation.org
Dickason, Michael <Michael.Dickason@osufoundation.org
or Mesford, Marianne <Marianne.Mesford@osufoundation.org
The accounting and finance division for Levi Strauss is based in Eugene. They have two summer internships in Eugene. One is for Finance majors and one is for Accounting
Summer Intern – Global Business Services, Accounting at Levi Strauss & Company https://oregonstate.joinhandshake.com/jobs/3420858
Summer Intern – Global Business Services, Accounting at Levi Strauss & Company