Beta Alpha Psi – Epsilon Chapter (OSU Accounting Honor Society) will host the following events starting week one of the fall term.
Week One
Recruiter Panel
September 27th AUST-183, 6:00-7:00
Recruiters from KPMG, Deliotte, Moss Adams & Kernutt Stokes will be on hand to speak about the recruiting process and to answer any questions you may have.
Week Two
Mock interviews
October 4th 1:00-4:00; Austin Hall (TBD)
**There are only three spots for Mock Interviews remaining. All with Geffen Mesher. 1:00, 1:30 and 3:30.
30-minute spots available with: KPMG, Deliotte, PwC, Moss Adams & Geffen Mesher
Email Aaron Hiddleson to reserve a spot. hiddlesa@oregonstate.edu
Resume submission required
Meet The Firms
October 4th, MU Ballroom
6:00-6:30pm (OPEN only to members or candidates of BAP/IMA)
6:30-8:00 (open to ALL students)
Attire: Business Professional
Meet with employers from public accounting, finance, private accounting, government and others who are looking to hire you!
Students who are planning on attending meet the firms and would like the firms to have you resume please send it in Pdf format to betaalphapsiosu@gmail.com. Please include your CPA eligibility. Resumes in PDF format will be accepted no later than Sunday, October 1st.
Week Two: Finance Focused
Finance Speed Dating will take place from 6:30-8:30pm on Monday, October 2nd in Austin Hall. At this event, there will be “speed dating” sessions for students to interact with financial reps and club members. Additionally, there will be an open networking session with snacks (and as the name says… networking).
Opportunities for you to be involved to talk about your club/organization and help with recruitment!
• Host a station and attend the networking session, 6:30-8:30pm! You may have up to 3 club members participate (one per room where sessions are being held). You will then be able to talk about your club/organization with those in attendance.
• Bring a sign-up sheet to collect student information for further contact!
• Attend Pre-Event Dinner with Company Reps & COB Finance Faculty, 5:30-6:30pm! You may have up to 3 club members participate
If you would like to participate, please email Brianna Beene at brianna.beene@oregonstate.edu (cc’d here) byThursday, September 28th so she can get accurate counts for tables in the room and dinner (if you choose to attend dinner).
- Get to Know GMCO Geffen Mesher — Sept. 21st, 1:30-4:30pm, GMCO Office
- Perkins & Co Kick Off Event in Portland — Sept 22nd 2-4:30pm IF you’d like to commute we may have a van — plse RSVP to brianna.beene@oregonstate.edu if you need a ride
- Jones & Roth — Oct. 4th 11:30-1pm; Austin Hall Events Room
2. Save the Date for the 2017 OSCPA Career Showcase, which will be held at the Oregon Convention Center on Thursday, September 28, 2017 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
OSCPA student members will be granted early entry to this event to meet with the representatives. Student membership is $25 for the year and in addition to early entry, https://www.orcpa.org/join
Nicole Proulx
e: nproulx@orcpa.org
3. Recruiting Schedule provided by various firms — check the CSC for additional details
The application deadline across many of the firms is end of day Friday, October 6.
Each of the firms will also do a pre-interview social the evenings prior to OCIs.
* Moss Adams: Monday, October 2
* PwC & Deloitte: Wednesday, October 4
* KPMG: Thursday, October 5
4. KPMG Office Hours and Tabling
The URL for students to access the events landing page to register for office hours or any of the other events is as follows (capitalization is important):
From the landing page, students follow a link to RSVP for each individual event.
· Office Hours & Tabling : KPMG will be on campus for tabling and one-on-one office hours. Whether you have specific questions about a career at KPMG or are simply looking to network, come say hello! | October 5th, Career Success Center (Office Hours), Atrium (Tabling)
· Get a Pizza KPMG – Networking Luncheon: Take this opportunity to network with KPMG professionals and former interns in a casual setting. Pizza will be provided. | October 5th, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Austin Hall Dean’s Board Room (4th Floor)
Leadership & Scholarship Opportunities
1. Please consider joining Beta Alpha Psi http://www.osubap.com/
2. Please consider joining the IMA – Institute of Management Accountants. Membership is open to students for a reduced membership of $25. http://www.imaonlinestore.
3. Scholarship Opportunity for a FULL CPA review class with Roger CPA. Please apply for the drawing for our Platinum Scholarship that will be held on October 17th. The scholarship is good towards our Select Course Package, valued at nearly $1,700. See attached flyer Job & Internship Opportunities
1. Please attend Meet the Firms and check the OSU Handshake system. The firms will post the opportunities via the OSU system and the individual firm web-sites. 2. Precision Castparts has two job opportunities. Please see attached flyers Students with a passion for leadership and who are seeking a great career in a fast-paced, growing organization are encouraged to apply online at the following link: http://bit.ly/2b6Q8yA Students with a passion for leadership and who are seeking a great career in a fast-paced, growing organization are encouraged to apply. Please apply at the following link: http://bit.ly/1bjcTis 3. Tax Season Intern (see attached flyer) DEADLINE: HOW TO APPLY: On-Campus