1. BAP; Wednesday, Nov. 4th. 6-7pm; AH 226; Retired Partner from PwC; Larry Brown on Ethics & Integrity. See attached flyer or osubap.com
IMA Chapter Activities:
1. Widmer Brothers Brewery Tour & Blazer game – Nov. 20th – Learn about the cost accounting side of the brewery and talk with some of the accountants on site. Blazer game is vs. the LA Clippers!
1. Study Abroad: Get Going – Study Abroad with the College of Business information session is on Thursday, November 5 at 6pm.
Recruiting Events:
1. PwC Explore — Are you looking for a unique and rewarding career experience? Are you interested in getting your foot in the door with one of the most prestigious professional services organizations in the world?
PwC’s Explore program is an opportunity you can’t miss!
We are seeking high performing students interested in considering a business or accounting-related major, or those looking for further information on careers in accounting and other business related fields.
When: Friday, November 20, 2015
Where: PwC Portland
What: An opportunity to learn more about the field of accounting, future career opportunities, and to network with other students from a number of schools around Oregon as well as PwC professionals. See below for information on how to apply.
What to expect
If selected, you will be invited to a unique and interactive afternoon program comprised of experiential learning and training sessions aimed at developing teamwork, strategic thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Not only will participation help cultivate these important characteristics, but it also provides a great networking forum with other students and PwC partners, principals, and staff. The Explore program is an outstanding opportunity for talented students to learn more about the accounting profession and to discover their own career goals and aspirations. All done while having a lot of fun!
To learn more about this opportunity and apply before Friday, November 7th.
Please visit www.pwc.com/explore to learn more about the program. To apply, go to the following link:
When accessing the application link, we recommend using Internet Explorer as our site is not regularly supported by other browsers.
Job Opportunities (full-time and internship):
1. Secretary of State Audit Position (See attached flyer)
1. Check Beaver Careers — there are many that I do not have listed here
2. The Business and Engineering Business Center is looking to hire a student employee to help support accountants in our main BEBC office (in 201 Covell).
Here is the link to the posting: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/
We are accepting applications through October 26th. We were wondering if you could help spread the word about this position to Accounting/Business students (preferably sophomore or junior level) who would like some work experience.
Katherine Ferguson
Accountant, Oregon State University
Bus/Engr Business Center
Phone: 541-737-4714

Preview attachment Secretary of State STAFFAUDITOR.pdf